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From Tennessee.
communication with Memphis cut off.
the enemy but four miles from Fort Donalson.
Destruction of the Tuscumbia and Florence bridge.
occupation of Florence.
&c., &c., &c.

Lynchburg, Va., Feb. 10.
--The Lynchburg Virginian has received a private dispatch from Chattanooga, dated on the 9th inst., which states that the Federal gun-boats reached Florence about 4 o'clock P. M., yesterday. Troops were landed and the town occupied by them. They went up within a mile of Tuscumbia, Ala., last night. This morning they left and took to their gun-boats. A later dispatch to the Virginian from Chattanooga, dated to-day, says the reported fight at Bear Creek is untrue. The Lincolnites had again returned to Florence. No bridges had been burned on the railroad. Communication was entirely cut off between Chattanooga and Memphis. The Federals are landing at Eastport, Miss., 30 miles below Florence, on the Tennessee river.

Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 10.--The Federal gunboats passed down the Tennessee river from Florence yesterday and carried off large quantities of Government stores.

The Florence steamers Robb and Dunbar are safe. They ran up Cypress creek at the enemy. No injury was done to private property or to the railroad. The enemy is expected back soon. About five hundred Federal cavalry were landed from the gun-boats.

Savannah, Hardin County, Tenn., Feb. 10. About 10 o'clock yesterday, the railroad bridge over the Tennessee river was held by 250 Federals. The work had not been injured by the enemy. They say that within two weeks they will have possession of the entire road.

Nashville, Feb. 10.--Fassengers who arrived here this evening by steamboat state that our scouts report that the Federal infantry and cavalry were within four miles, of Fort Donaldson on yesterday. Other passengers say that the Federal gun-boats, were in sight of the fort on yesterday.

A private dispatch from Clarkesville today says that Fort Donaldson is safe, and cannot be taken.

The Federals destroyed several spans of the bridge at Florence connecting with Tuscumbia. There were six steamboats at Florence, two of which were captured. The other four were set on fire and burned by the citizens of Florence.

A private dispatch received this evening from Decatur, says everything is quiet. The trains will run regularly again on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad.

New Orleans, Feb. 10.--Private and general dispatches sustain the report that reconnoitering gun-beats had gone up the Tennessee river as high as Florence.

Nashville, Feb. 10.--A private dispatch received last night from Florence states that the gun-boats had left that place.

Fort Donaldson had been largely reinforced, but no advices received of movements there.

Ex-Gov. W. Campbell declines the tender of the appointment of a Brigadier General, and assigns as a reason his physical inability to perform the duties of the office. He was to have filled the place vacated by the death of Gen. Zollicoffer.

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