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The election.

--The election in this city yesterday, for a member of Congress, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the demise of Hon. John Tyler, representative elect, went off very quietly, the news of the disaster to our arms at Roanoke Island seeming to cast a damper over the spirits of those usually in the habit of indulging in boisterous manifestations. We give only the returns from the First and Second Wards, some confusion in the counting of the Third Ward vote causing the clerks to evacuate the polling precinct at an early hour in the evening. The vote in Jefferson Ward was, Jas Lyons, 263; Wm. H. Macfarland, 172; Geo. W. Randolph, 34; Jno. B. Young, 13; John Robertson, 5; Robert Saunders, 4; Martin Meredith Lipscomb, 2.

In Madison Ward, Jas. Lyons, 321; Wm. H. Macfarland, 202;. Geo. W. Randolph, 29; John Robertson; 12; Robert Saunders, 11; John B. Young, 9.

It is said that Lyons's majority in Monroe Ward is 15, and in the city 137 over all others. His majority at Henrico Court-House is stated to be in the neighborhood of 300. Several days must elapse before the final result will be ascertained.

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