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Sudden death.

--About 12 o'clock on Monday night, the dead body of a man was found lying upon the western sidewalk of 7th street, nearly opposite the theatre. Owing to the fact that a riot had just occurred in the vicinity, it was believed that he had fallen a victim to violence, though there were no visible wounds to confirm such a fearful suspicion. The body was subsequently removed to the yard in the rear of M. G. Delarne's establishment, and identified as Mr. Charles P. Dohm, who for some time past has been employed as shipping clerk in the office of the Southern Express Company at Lynchburg. An inquest was held yesterday by Acting Coroner Sanxay, and an examination made by Dr. Wm. Grebe, who gave it as his opinion, from the general appearance of the deceased, that death was caused by an attack of apoplexy. It was proved that Mr. Dohm went to the theatre on Monday night with two other gentlemen, from whom he got separated in the crowd about the door at the close of the performance, and nothing is known of his movements subsequently. He was found lying upon his face, and the only mark visible was a slight bruise upon the forehead, caused by the fall. The jury, therefore, rendered a verdict that his death was caused by apoplexy.

We are informed by Mr. Gibson, agent of the Express Company in this city, that Mr. Dohm was a man of industrious and exemplary habits, and universally popular among his acquaintances. He was unmarried, but leaves a mother and sister in Baltimore, to whose support he has mainly contributed for years past. His body will be placed in a vault in Hollywood Cemetery, with a view to its eventual removal to Maryland.

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