Ranaway.--five dollars reward.
--Ranaway from the subscriber, (agent for the Clover Hill R. R. Co., at their coal yard at port Waithial,) a negroman named Davy; about six feet high; 21 years old; dark complexion; thick lips; has been hired in Richmond for several years, and last year to Mr. Samuel M. Baily, tobacconist, as a screwman, and is probably lurking about the city, or Manchester, where he has relations at Mr. J. Bobb. The above reward will be given for his apprehension and delivery to Mr. L. S. Wool drioge, if caught in Richmond or Manchester, or to myself if taken up in the country, or secured so that I get him. Thos. Bass, Agent.Port Waithall Oct. 31, 1861. no 2--3t*