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Western Virginia.

--We look with profound when end to the redemption of Northwestern Virginia from the dominion of Lincoln We are satisfied that the vast majority of its people are true and loyal to the Southern states. An energetic onward movement of our forces would develop and demonstrate this fact to the satisfaction of the most skeptical. There are no braver or hardier people in his world than those of the Northwest; but the bravest and best can do nothing without was without support, or even any show of sympathy. It is time that this invaded and appressed section of the State Should be Liberec. We have more than men enough there is drive the last of the invading horde into the Ohio. We have lost more men by sickness there man would have perished in twenty pitched tles, It is time, high time, that Western Virginia was reclaimed from the humiliating dominion of an enemy we do not be. have half our own force, at this moment, Sustain his foothold.

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