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The Federal prisoners.

The constantly increasing number of Federal prisoners in the hands of the Confederate Government, has led to a variety of suggestions, with a view to lessening the burden of their support. That this is a matter of some consequence, no one will deny, and we have heard that due consideration has been given to it by the authorities. The occasional sending off of a few hundreds has afforded some replied by distributing that guard duty, as well is furnishing more ready facilities for procuring the necessary supplies of providers but there are still a very large number is the Richmond prisons. The idea of employing them upon some profitable labor, has not met with official approbation, perhaps because it is not in accordance with the usages of war. We have heard it hinted, however, that the Government has purchased several acres of ground in the interior of North Carolina, and will have a large prison house constructed thereon for their accommodation, when it will only be necessary to have a temporary depot for their reception in Richmond. The plan is a good one, and we hope this information is well founded.

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