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A daring highwayman.

--The Leesburg (Va.) Mirror, of Wednesday, contains the following account of a Dick Turpin exploit is that vicinity, a few nights ago:

A most bold and daring robbery was perpetrated a short distance from Leesburg, on Friday night last, by some unknown scamp.--Two citizens of this county, Mr. John Boniz and a Mr. Simpson, left town for their homes shortly after nightfall in an open wagon; when about a mile on their way they were overtaken by a man on horseback, who, with a heavy stick, struck Bontz senseless, and then dismounting, overpowered Simpson, and rifled the pockets of both-- obtaining from the former about $40 in money, which he coolly fobbed and rode off, leaving his victims to mourn treasures lost — when they come to their senses. Two cavalry men came up at this time, however, and gave chase to the retreating highwayman, and pursued him so closely that he dismounted and took to the woods, where, in the darkness of the night, he made his escape. His horse, a fine bay, supposed to be more than a fair equivalent for the money lost, was made prisoner and brought to town; but he, alas! also proved to be stolen property, having been taken from the door while his owner was enjoying a cup of tea with a friend. Nothing has yet been heard from the thief.

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