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From Western Virginia.

--It will be seen from the following letter to the Lynchburg Virginian, that Gen. Lee expected to make an attack upon Rosencranz about the time the latter's forces slipped away:

Sewell Mountain, Lee's Encampment, October 2d, 1861.
Mr. Editor:
Yesterday evening we arrived here, after five days weary and toilsome march from Jackson river. We are now encamped within two miles of the enemy. From a high hill where our cannon are planted, the enemy's encampment is plain to view. I visited the heights yesterday evening, and viewed the encampments of both armies; and from all the information that I can collect, the enemy has about 15,000 men, (though there are rumors that they have more,) and 20 pieces of cannon, pretty strongly fortified on top of Big Sewell mountain. Our army has 17,000 or 18,000 men and 28 pieces of cannon, and are well fortified on the same heights, within less than two miles of the enemy's camp, on the eastern side of Big Sewell mountain. If they would attack us, we could whip them without, perhaps, the loss of a man; but if we have them to attack, the thing will be different. Of the former, we have no hope or prospect; but General Lee says that he will wait only one or two days longer for them to attack, and, if they do not, he will. So, if the weather is favorable, the battle will be over before next Monday. I will write you more when the battle is over, if anything occurs to change the plan of action. I could write more now, but have no time as the mail is closing.

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