Mayor's Court.
--The Mayor, having returned from a brief excursion to the ‘"rural districts, "’ resumed his duties in the temple of municipal justice yesterday morning, and disposed of the following cases:John Hughes, for keeping his house open and selling ardent spirits on Sunday, the 6th inst., was lined $10.
John Frey, for selling ardent spirits without a license, was fined $5, and $5 more for keeping his house open on Sunday, the 6th instant.
John Dillard, for permitting a nuisance to accumulate and remain on his premises, was fined $5.
D. Pleasants, charged with resisting an attempt of the dog police to capture his favorite dog, was fined $5.
Wm. Tyler and Patrick Henry Callahan, small boys, were arraigned to answer a charge of stealing a pair of shoes from Putney & Watts. The Mayor advised the mother of Tyler to take her child home, lock him up, and give him a good whipping. The mother replied that it was not for a lack of chastisement that her boy formed bad associations; and that if he was brought up again, she would not endeavor to prevent his incarceration. Callahan was held with a view to a further investigation of the matter.
John Sullivan was committed to jail for keeping a disorderly and ill governed house, where night was made hideous by brawlings and contentions.
Peter Mulligan, who, ‘"whenever he empties a toombler of punch, always wants it full again,"’ was up for breaking a window of the Lancasterian school-house. Discharged with an admonition.
Wm. Moore was sent to the poor-house in consequence of his penchant for whiskey and an irresistible disposition to make himself disagreeable to others.
Henry Johnston, who, while inebriated, took lodgings on a bench in the market, in close proximity to the watch-house, was admonished by the Mayor and discharged.