Maryland State peace Convention.
--This body assembled in Baltimore on Tuesday last. Every county in the State was represented--Gen. Benjamin C. Howard, of Baltimore county, was nominated as candidate for Governor of Maryland, and A. Lingan Jarreti, Esq. of Harford county, for Comptroller of the Treasury. A committee was appointed to prepare an address to the people of the State. Before the adjournment, Prof. Nathan R. Smith, the presiding officer, in response to a vote of thanks, alluded to an attempt to break up the Convention, and said: ‘"If twenty knives had been plunged into me, I would not have left the stand to which you called me; and I desire the Convention to oppose any action that tries to intimidate them. Peace and Union go together; war and Union, never."’ it appears that a party, who had entered the hall for the purpose of disturbing the deliberations, got on the platform and cheered for Gen. Scott and the stars and stripes, and raised a Federal flag. They were, however, rejected by Federal policemen. The Sun says that ‘"throughout the whole of this coup d' etat the chairman maintained a perfect composure, and the members of the Convention on the floor did not rise from their seats, but observed a calmness of demeanor which threw a chill upon the efforts of their assailants."’