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Lieut. Col. Francis B. O'Keefe, Fifteenth Regiment New York volunteers, having been sentenced by court-martial to be cashiered, for drunkenness, disorderly conduct, &c., Major General McClellan has approved the said sentence, and formally declared him no longer an officer in the military service of the United States.

J. D. Welsh, a British subject, was arrested in Baltimore last Saturday, because he refused to take from his watch chain a medallion containing the portraits of President Davis and General Beauregard. He afterwards obeyed orders and procured his release.

The brig Mary McRae, of Wilmington, N. C., arrived at New York from Liverpool on the 8th inst., with a cargo of salt, quinine, &c. She has been seized by the Federal Government.

Thomas W. Atkinson, the well-known Siberian explorer, died at his residence in Lower Walmer, England, on the 13th of August.

Col. De Russey, Chief of the Engineer Department at Old Point, has been ordered to California. His place will be filled by Capt. Stuart.

The United States Government has purchased the steamers Hugh Jenkins and Balloon, of the Eastern Shore (Md.) Steamboat Company, for $24,000.

The steamer George Peabody was so much strained by her trip to Hatteras Inlet that she has been sent to Baltimore for repairs.

Fourteen females are said to be held prisoners at Washington. The last arrest was that of the wife of Major Tochman.

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