The empire of Loudoun
Leesburg, Va., Sept. 9, 1861.
A great many denunciations have been poured out against old Loudoun, because a portion of her citizens voted the Union ticket, so called.
But what are the facts, and how will she compare with other counties?
In the first place, she has in the service 11 full companies, viz: 1 artillery, 3 cavalry, and 7 light infantry, uniformed at her own expense; she has furnished 1,100 good horses, and 200 wagons; her court unanimously appropriated $50,000 for the equipment of her troops and for the support of their families.
The ladies of the county have been hard at work ever since last April, gratuitously, for the service; and now they are engaged in nursing several hundred sick soldiers, sent here from various points.
The county has also furnished large quantities of hay, cattle, thousands of barrels of corn, &c., all with she enemy near at hand, making constant inroads, seizing her true sons.
What say you of the border county--the empire of Loudoun ?