From Texas and Mexico
--The Galveston Civilian, of the 29th, has the following:‘ We understand that the volunteers who left Houston for Virginia last Friday, are detained at Neblitt's Bluff, on the Sabine, by high waters.
The Indianola and Lavaca papers state that large quantities of salt, from the lakes of Western Texas, are constantly arriving and for sale at those places.
Fayette county has already subscribed upwards of five hundred bales of cotton to the Confederate loan. The merchants and others have generally pledged themselves to receive Confederate bonds at par in all business transactions. Fayette has turned out a large proportion of volunteers for the present war. Three companies at least are now absent in the public service.
The Indianola Courier learns from a gentleman from Corpus Christi that news had reached there to the effect that Governor Vidaurri had arrived in Texas, having been forced to leave by the Mexican Government. The cause is, that Vidaurri is supposed to favor the secession of the States east of the Sierra Madre, and their union with the Confederate States of America.
General Comonfort was still at Roma, on the Texas side, at last accounts, waiting for the Mexican Government to grant him permission to return to his native land.