--There were rumors in circulation yesterday that the Federalists had landed at Urbana, in Middlesex county, (a small town low down on the Rappahannock river,) though we do not consider them authentic. The following, however, from the Fredericks burgh Herald, shows that the pirates are turning there attention in that direction:‘ Mr. C. C. Wellford, of this place, and his son John L., were at Urbana on Saturday last, and went out in a small craft fishing. The steamer Monticello being observed coming up the Rappahannock they went ashore, when the Monticello kept on up, above Monaskin wharf. Again they went out, and had not been fishing more than half an hour, when the Monticello was observed returning heading down towards Urbana. The fishing party returned ashore and standing on the beach were quietly looking at the steamer, when she squared around and cast anchor, some 800 yards out. Directly thereafter she opened fire on them, and not until after four shots and their retiracy from view did she stop her cannonade. The balls went over their heads, and the Messrs. Wellford escaped unhurt.
The cannonading was probably a mile from the village of Urbana, Middlesex county, and being the first of the war in that quarter, produced a good deal of excitement.