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Mayor's Court, August 6th.

--The following cases were heard by the Mayor yesterday: --Opie Staite, charged with felony and forgery, committed to jail till August 15th; Pat Mo Laughlin, keeping a cook-shop without license, case continued; ditto, as to charge of allowing an unlawful assembly of negroes; Aun O'Riely was acquitted of the charge of threatening personal violence to Mary Gleason and abusing her family; case against Emma Wittenham, for keeping a disorderly house, was continued; A. McManus, was required to give $100 security for interfering with market men; Jos. O'Neal, drunk, lying in the street, $100 security required; Ellen O'Toole. was committed in default of $100 security to keep the peace, on complaint of John Pearce; Chas Motherhead, for threatening to cowhide Levy Wasgott, was required to give $150 security; case of Ro. Fergusson, charged with stealing a coat from Charles G. Thompson's negro, was continued for witnesses.

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