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[for the Richmond Dispatch.]
the Northern Army.

Headquarters 37 th Reg't, Dep. N. W. Va., Monterey 3d Aug., 1861.
To the Editors of the Dispatch:--In my communication to you published a few days ago, I stated that two or three companies of the 23d Regiment Virginia Volunteers, (Colonel Taliaferro's,) were engaged in the fight at Cheat River. This was the information which I had, but Col. Taliaferro informs me that portions of all his companies were in the fight except one. I also stated that the companies in the engagement behaved gallantly I am informed that my language is calculated to carry with it the implied statement that the officers did not behave well. Such was not my meaning. I intended to say that all of the 23d engaged in the fight behaved bravely, as I was informed.

I will also here supply an omission made in my former statement. I am informed that Lieut. Brown, of the Danville Artillery, and Lieut. Washington, of the Confederate Army, who were officers of the Danville Artillery in the fight, acted in the most gallant manner. The mention of these honorable names is not intended to reflect upon the conduct of others not mentioned and about whose behavior I am not informed. I will be the last man to (knowingly) do injustice to a brother soldier.

Samuel V Fulkerson,

Col. Com'dg 37th Regt. Va.Vol.

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