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The State of Ohio.

Massachusetts, has shown the most signal zeal for the desecration of Virginian than other, it is the State of Ohio. drove of h that great production of O--which ought to be the most prominent upon its that of arms, as the source of its wealth and the instincts of its character — ever broke with more greedy eagerness into an un of Ohio into Western Virginia. At various points on the river they have crossed in multitudes and overrun the whole land, the German regiments leading the way and doing the fighting, while in the rear comes the ‘"Home Guard"’ of the river towns of Ohio, composed entirely of in actives, and stealing everything they can lay their hands on.

We confess that the course of Ohio is just what we expected from that population. When it is borne in mind that Virginia generously gave away this rich and fertile portion of her old domain, every one can understand why such a people as those of Ohio should wish to wipe her off the face of the earth. If they had been men of ordinary sensibility, every waving field of grain and every bright river of that fair heritage which Virginia gave them would seem to cry out against their horrible ingratitude. There could have been a tongue in every stream and tree and brook, and when they crossed la belle riviere on their infamous errand, and advanced among our grand old mountains, they would have felt like profligate children violating the mausoleum of a mighty ancestry. But to attribute sensibility to a Buckeye would be, in his own eyes, an imputation of weakness which he would never forgive. The State of Ohio was never capable of feeling any other emotion towards Virginia for endowing her with a princely territory than envy and vindictiveness because Virginia had so much to give, and because, after she had given it, she had so much left., which Ohio was unable to obtain, except by open highway robbery, such as she is now perpetrating.

In former days, when the possibility of a reconstruction was dreamed of, there were those who talked of a Confederacy that should slough the Northern States, and embrace certain Western States, including our beautiful neighbor — Ohio. We now see what an alliance that would have been! Of all the Yankees that New England has produced, the Ohio Yankee is the meanest, most miserable and most depraved. Of all our enemies in this war, this Ohio is the most eager, active and brutal; but the hour of vengeance will come. There is a storm brewing that will purify the atmosphere of Northwestern Virginia, drive back the Ohio swine to their native pens, and come down upon Ohio herself in the hot thunderbolts of a righteous retribution.

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