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Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.
fatal affray in Alleghany county.

Covington, Va., July 25, 1861.
An affray occurred here on the 23d inst., between Dr. Wm. P. Rucker, of this place, and Mr. Joice, of the Covington and Ohio Railroad, during which the latter received a severe wound in the abdomen, from which he died yesterday. After Dr. Rucker had dressed the wound, he sent for a Justice of the Peace and surrendered himself. The Justice, after hearing the evidence, sent him on to the next term of the County Court for further examination, and admitted him to ball. All the witnesses concurred in the fact that Dr. Rucker did everything he could to avoid a difficulty, and that Joice seemed determined to have one. The Doctor left for home, when Mr. Joice followed him, denouncing him, in the most bitter terms, as a d — d traitor, and struck him twice with a loaded cane before Dr. Rucker drew the knife, which proved fatal. Mr. Joice, before his death, exonerated Dr. Rucker from all blame, and said it was his own fault. D.

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