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A Move in the right direction.

--The Young Men's Christian Association of this city, (with the co-operation of similar institutions throughout the Southern Confederacy,) have opened a depot on Main street, just above Col. Blair's store, for the reception of all articles sent here for the relief of the wounded and sick soldiers. By reference to the advertisement of their committee, the public will perceive that all articles sent to their care will be properly distributed, and will reach, without delay, those for whom they are intended. This committee will attend to receiving articles sent from any part of our Confederacy; and inasmuch as organizations are being formed in every part of Virginia and the other States for the purpose of ministering to the wants of those who have been stricken down while defending our homes and altars, we are assured that the donations of our friends could not reach the various hospitals sooner or with more safety than through the agency of this committee.

Throughout the broad limits of our beloved country, every heart is beating with sympathy for our sick and wounded soldiery, and the anxious inquiry everywhere exists, ‘"How can I do them good; how can I relieve their sufferings and supply their wants?"’ The answer is at hand: Let every church, community and association in the South get together all of the old clothing — such as shirts, drawers, towels, handkerchiefs, sheets, pillow cases, blankets, bed-ticks, &c., &c., and buy materials and make them up, and forward at once, ‘"To the Army Committee of the Young Men's Christian Association, Richmond," ’ and they will surely reach their destination, and the prayer of the sufferer will bless the generous giver.--In addition to clothing, we would suggest the donation of wines, jellies, and other delicacies suitable for the sick; and those who cannot send the above named articles, can send their contributions in money, which will be judiciously expended. Mr. Roger Martin, a well known gentleman of this city, will be always at the depot to give his personal supervision to the whole matter.

The committee will promptly acknowledge the receipt of all monies and other contributions, and at the proper time advise the public of the good accomplished through their organization. Let the people everywhere avail themselves of this opportunity to benefit and bless those in whom they feel such deep and abiding interest.

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