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Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.
Affairs at Ashland.

Cavalry Camp, Ashland, Va, July 30, 1861.
Sunday having been set apart by the Provisional Congress for universal prayer and thanksgiving for the brilliant victory achieved by the Confederate army at Stone Bridge on the 21st inst., the citizens generally, together with soldiers encamped here, attended Divine services. A very learned discourse was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Woodfin, who spoke in the highest terms of the prowess of the Southern Army, but attributed our triumph thus far to the Benign Ruler of the universe, who is ever ready to shield the weak from unprovoked aggression of the powerful.

Adams' Troop, commanded by Capt. Wm. T. Martin, Lieutenants Conner, Forbes, and Green, now drilling at this place, is the best equipped and drifted corps of cavalry in the service. It is from Mississippi, and the only one of the kind from the Gulf States. It is composed mostly of young men who can wield the sabre and use the pistol most adroitly.

The health of this place has greatly improved since my last letter. There are but few on the sick list, and they are convalescent.

It is rumored here that a flag of truce is flying over Arlington Heights; if this be true, old Abe must be of the opinion ‘"somebody is hurt."’ Dike.

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