A fire dog in St. Louis.
--The St. Louis Republican gives the following account of a dog belonging to the Hook and Ladder Company of that city:"The name of the dog is 'Jones.' He was presented to the company a little more than a year ago. He was then a puppy of a few months old. In a short time, however, he began to manifest a surprising fondness for the Hook and Ladder Boys, and guarded with the greatest care the company's quarters, on Seventh street, between Pine and Olive, from all intruders. Latterly he has turned fireman in earnest. At the tap of the bell he will instantly manifest the greatest interest in the preparations, and the moment the carriage starts out, Jones keeps alongside the horses, making known his delight by an occasional bark, frequent jumps, and a general exercise of his waggish tail. But the most astonishing exhibition which he has as yet given of that peculiar gift denominated instinct, was at a fire a short time since, where he seized a bone and bore it safely from a house, the roof of which was at the time wrapped in flames. Altogether he is a very knowing dog.