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A wedding in "high life" took place in Philadelphia last week. A romantic couple were married in the steeple of Independence Hall.

The President on Wednesday nominated to the Senate Edward M. Stanton, as Attorney General of the United States.

The Roman Catholic Bishop of Monterey, Mexico, is in New York. He preached at St. Francis Xavier's church on Sunday.

There have been 346 wells sunk in the Pennsylvania oil region, only 29 of which are profitable.

David Caution, convicted at Louisville of an outrage on the person of Miss C. Swanson, is to be hung on the 25th of January.

"I shall be indebted to you for life," as the man said to his creditors when he ran away to Australia.

A love-sick young man, who has taken very much of late to writing sonnets, has just hung himself with one of his own lines.

A wife's farewell to her husband every morning--"Buy, buy."

Prof. Samuel Ellot has been elected President of Trinity College.

A New York critic says the grimmest of smiles is Edwin Forrest's "Lear."

Lieut. Geo. E. Law and Assistant Surgeon Thos. J. Charlton, S. N. have resigned.

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