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From the South.
the President's position--Florida Convention &c.

Charleston, Dec. 2.
--A special dispatch from Washington to the Courier, having a semi-official tone, says the President hopes South Carolina will appreciate the delicacy of his position, and not compel him to use force for the collection of the public revenue. The President will maintain the laws, collect the revenue, and protect the public property.

Tallahassee, Fla., Dec. 2. --The Legislature has passed the bill for the assembling of a State Convention on the 3rd of January next.

Milledgeville, Ga., Dec. 2. --The Bank bill, which passed the Legislature over the Governor's veto, authorizes a suspension of specie payments, and suspends legal processes on all debts till December, 1861.

Augusta, Ga., Dec. 2. --It is understood that all the Banks in this city will suspend on Monday.

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