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Punch on America.

--The large picture in Punch is entitled "Latest from America," and represents the Prince of Wales on his return home after his American tour. The royal youth has suffered a change during his absence. He has become Americanized, and now sits before the grate with his legs resting on the mantelpiece, a cigar in his mouth, and a pocket-pistol in his hand, while a box of fragrant Havanas is on a table near by. A sherry cobbler, with its characteristic straws, is on the mantelpiece. The young Prince wears a shocking bad hat, tipped over on one side; sports a goatee, and really looks quite like "one of the boys." In the back ground stands Prince Albert, gazing on his son with an expression of amazement, not unmingled with fear. His Royal Highness Junior, patronizingly remarks to His Royal Highness, St., "Now, sirree, if you'll liquor up and settle down, I'll tell you all about my travels."

Virginia M. E. Conference--Eighth Day.

In this body, on Thursday, during the examination of character, remarks were made by Bishop Paine and Dr. Lee on the importance of pastoral visits and attention to the minute interests of the Church:

The supernumerary list was then called for the examination of character, and the name of J S R Clark called.

Upon the examination of Mr. Clark, Rev. Mr. Langhorne said that Mr. Clark had united himself with the Knights of the Golden Circle; had lectured in behalf of that order at Farmville, and become a chaplain of the organization, carrying a weapon, and in that way injuring the dignity of a minister of the Gospel.

Mr. Clark declined to answer unless evidence was produced.

It appeared upon diccussion that there had been some mistake in regard to his carrying weapons.

The discussion of the general subject by Messrs. Langhorne, Doggett, Rowzie, August and others, occupied much time, during which.

The subject of preachers carrying arms being alluded to, Bishop Paine said that it was a common thing for ministers to carry weapons in Texas, either open or concealed. This enabled them to protect not only themselves, but the families with whom they were staying. The sight of a rifle would frequently scare off a cowardly Mexican or Indian. He had never carried such weapons, but he should carry one whenever he deemed it necessary.

Several ministers testified as to the occasional necessity for the carrying of weapons by ministers, especially on the Mexican frontier, where there were bands of men sworn to kill every American they met.

Rev. Mr. Langhorne said, after what he had learned at Conference, he would, when he got home to Lynchburg, buy a revolver. (Laughter)

Rev. Mr. Edwards said that the character of Mr. Clark was excellent, and the object of his going to Mexico as a Knight of the Golden Circle, would have been to carry there a pure Gospel.

Rev. Dr. Smith said that any expression of this Conference on the subject, would have no reference to the approval or disapproval of the Knights of the Golden Circle. He thought the practice of carrying arms by ministers should be countenanced only on the basis suggested by Bishop Paine. We were going, as a people, very far wrong in this respect. On this day, at every Court-House in Virginia, nearly every man wore a weapon in his breast. This was not right. (A voice, "It is cowardly;" other voices, "No, it is not.") He had frequent occasion to mention this subject to his classes at College, and he thought that throughout the Conference ministers should use their influence against the practice.

The Bishop said that he had felt compelled to use such influence in Alabama, which, as he had said before, was Virginia revised, corrected, and beautified. (Laughter) He differed, however, with some members of the Conference, in regard to learning the use of firearms. He thought that not only men and boys, but ladies, should learn their use, so as to make them effectual for protection. He narrated many instances coming under his observation in frontier life, when the use of arms was demanded most imperatively.

Rev. Mr. Langhorne said that in view of the justifications and explanations presented, he supposed he ought to beg the pardon of brother Clark.

The Bishop said he thought that brother Clark had committed an impropriety, and that brother Langhorne's motives were excellent.

Several other ministers bore testimony as to the excellent intentions of Mr. Langhorne.

Rev. Mr. Clark's character was passed.

On motion, it was agreed, that any preacher who hereafter does not pay into the Conference fund two-thirds of the amount assessed to his charge, shall be deprived of all claim upon that fund.

The report of the special committee to consider the fraternal communication from the Methodist Protestant Conference was presented by Dr. Smith, and laid on the table. It invites the Methodist Protestant brethren to consider more closely if a common ground of formal union cannot be formed, and appoints messengers to convey to them an expression of sympathy and fraternal good will.

Rev. Mr. Duncan, from the committee on memoirs, reported the death of five members during the year, "peaceful and victorious in death." They were as follows: H. Y. Bellman, Thos. H. Jones, J. H. Watson, W. P. Twyman and W. G. Dolin.

The committee gave brief memoirs of the deceased, and concluded by offering the usual resolutions of respect.

The report and resolutions were adopted.

The report of the Committee relative to the Richmond Christian Advocate was adopted.

Ninth Day--Various committee reported.--The stewards report the sum at $7,668, or $66,50 dividend on the $100 to claimants.

The report and resolutions of the special committee appointed to consider the fraternal communication from the Virginia Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church, and, looking to a full and cordial re-union at no distant day, were adopted, and Drs. Lee and Doggett and Mr. Buford were appointed fraternal messengers to the Methodist Protestant Conference.

Rev. Mr. Davis moved that in view of the distracted state of the country, a day of fasting and prayer be appointed, to be observed by the Conference Churches, the motion was agreed to, and the first Friday of January fixed as the day.

Messrs. Head, Bennett, Rowzie, Nichols and Nolley were announced as a standing Committee on the State of the Church.

After another call for pledges to aid the Christian Advocate, the net amount of pledges was raised at $4,000.

Rev. Messrs. Riddick and W. A. Robinson were made supernumeraries and Rev. Mr. Mauzie located.

The following standing committees were appointed:

Board of Stewards--J. H. Davis, W. M. Ward, B. H. Johnson, H. H. Gray. L. S. Reed, J. M. Sanders, J. L. Clark, P. A. Peterson, J. Manning, J. Slougn.

Committee on Education.--W. A. Smith, D. S. Doggett, A. G. Brown, Leo Rosser, N. Head, W. B. Rowzie, J. E. Edwards, J. A. Duncan, J. C. Gianbury, J. Lear.

Committee on the Publishing Interests of the Church.--H. B. Cowies, W. W. Bennett, L. Rosser, P. Whitehead, J. S. Blackwell, G. H. Nolley, R. Michaels, C. H. Hall, T. H. Hayles, F. J. Boggs.

The Bishop then addressed a few words of farewell to the Conference.

On motion, the resolution changing the name of the "Richmond Christian Advocate" to the "Virginia Christian Advocate" was reconsidered, and the motion laid on the table.

The appointments for the coming year were announced, and at 2 o'clock Saturday morning the Conference adjourned sine die.

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