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Texan Rangers.

--In the various contests which the gallant Lone Star State has been called on to engage, not only in securing her independence, but in fighting for its maintenance, none for her agents have been more potential in maintaining her rights and punishing aggressors than her unequalled and ever-to-be remembered Rangers. They have proven themselves in many a well-fought field, in the weary march, on horseback, on foot, with weapons and without them, more than a match for their savage and treacherous enemies, the Mexicans and Indians. Some of the greatest deeds of daring ever performed by mortal man have been performed by them, and when they have been called on to die in defence of their principles, or in obedience to the behests of the cruel and murderous policy of their savage enemies, they have shown by their example how brave men can die in defence of right.

Ever since the inception of the present scoundrelly crusade against the rights of the South, we have anxiously wished for the presence, aid and co-operation of some hundreds of the daring and hardy Texans, who, of all others, are most capable of paying back in kind on our cowardly assailants the harsh judgments and blood-thirsty decrees which, with so much volubility, they lisp forth against us, and by which we would be utterly exterminated did their power of performance equal their insane and devilish wishes. Thanks to the orderings of a beneficent Providence, who wisely ordains all for the best, and who limits the capacity of all animals to the uses for which they are intended to be put, our assailants thus far have promised more than they performed, and have run every time they have had the opportunity. We want somebody capable of running after them, and the Texan Rangers are the very boys to do the job, adding a tremendous eradicating power to their other desirable qualities of speed and endurance.

Very many of the most celebrated Texan heroes first saw the light within the limits of the Old Dominion, or are the descendants of those who did, and, therefore, it is not unnatural that their sons should leave the banks of the Rio Grande for those of the Potomac and James, when the war cry is shouted by their forefathers. If Virginia does not have and possess the invaluable services of the Rangers of the Lone Star State, it is because she refuses their proffered aid, and this she does not intend to do. Texan Rangers are now in her service, and more will shortly be coming.--Among the influential gentlemen now in our midst from that State, may be mentioned Cols. F. Terry, J. W. Wharton, J. T. Thatcher; Capts. T. S. Lubbock, Dan Conner, Dr. Freeman, Mr. La Toole, and J. F. Mutchet, M. D., who are in the city, with some twenty comrades, for the purpose of offering to President Davis the services of 150 picked men, of pecuniary ability, and of established fighting stock, who, if they are accepted, will pay their own way; and, as scouts and guerillas, design to prove a terror and a bye-word to our Northern brethren now operating with arms against our peace and quiet.

A committee was to have seen President Davis last night, and if accepted, start for Texas for their comrades, who will bring their own horses and arms, viz: double-barrel shot guns, two army revolvers, bowie-knife and lariat. With this latter weapon they are as expert as the Camanches or the Mexicans. Fancy ‘"Picayune Butler,"’ with a piece of twisted cowskin around his body, being dragged off by one of these men. The idea is refreshing and may be realized. Some of the Rangers referred to above, start this morning for Manassas Junction, where they will operate till joined by their comrades. We want just such men there; men who will ride into the enemy, shoot down his men with their guns and pistols, and end the performance by lariating some of his lily-livered officers and dragging them off. That's just what they came to do, and just what they will do if allowed the chance. We hope President Davis will accept the services of Capt. Lubbock and his comrades.

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Jefferson Davis (3)
T. S. Lubbock (2)
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