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--A gentleman from the troops at the Relay House says that the sentinels have, in some instances, a pleasant way of making challenges. A fellow who had been fishing on the Patapsco, and had secured a fine string of fish, was stopped by the usual question; ‘"Who goes there?"’ ‘"Fisherman,"’ was the answer. ‘"Advance, fisherman, and drop two shad,"’ said the alert sentinel, looking out for his own commissariat.

The Montgomery Confederation gives the following from a correspondent.

‘ On the first night after my arrival, in passing from one quarter to another, I was stopped by a sentinel, whom I recognized as private P.,--(though he did not know me.) I was asked for the countersign, and replied, "a friend with a boil;" the reply was, "advance, bottle, and draw stopper," which I did, and was suffered to pass on my way rejoicing.

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