Two days Later from Europe.
The debate on the Budget was commenced in the House of Commons on the 22d, but no amendment was offered.
Mr. H. Berkeley made his annual motion in the House of Commons, for leave to bring in a bill in favor of voting by ballot. It was rejected by a vote of yeas 154; nays 279.
A prospectus had been issued of a company called the ‘"Liverpool and New Orleans Navigation Company,"’ with the object of establishing direct steam communication between Liverpool and New Orleans. The capital is fixed at £200,000, with power to increase, and many influential men are engaged in the enterprise.
It is also announced by advertisement that a company had been formed in Liverpool for establishing direct communication between that port and Charleston. The first steamer of the line is expected to be dispatched from Liverpool about the middle of July.
It is reported that the Spanish Government will not give its sanction to the annexation of St. Domingo.
Liverpool, 24th.--Cotton — Sales for four days 50,000 bales, closing firm, with an advancing tendency under the Africa's news.--Hewitt & Co. quote middling Orleans 7 5/8.
Consols 91 7/8@92.