Boston Boot and Shoe market.
--The Shoe and Leather Reporter says:‘ It will be seen by our tables that the shipments for the week, both by rail and sea, have been very limited. As no clearances are made for any ports south of Delaware Bay, but few goods will go from here by sea during the period of the blockade. In the almost entire absence of collections from the South and West our manufacturers are hard pressed, and extensions and suspensions are more numerous. Some Southern houses state their inability to pay from the utter impossibility to make collections, and at present there seems no promise of improving prospects --The Western dealers suffer from the depreciated currency and high rates of exchange, and parties who have thoroughly tried it, say that the collection of a debt is next to an impossibility. If we are to have war, it is certain that the surplus crop of the West will be wanted at good prices, and as the treasury of Uncle Sam is now filled to repletion, their merchandize will command the cash, and they can wipe out their indebtedness to the Eastern States.