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Prepare for war.

In view of the avalanche of armed men about to be precipitated on us from the North, the people of the various counties and neighborhoods of Virginia and Maryland, especially upon the rivers and such points as are most easy of access by an enemy, should at once proceed to adopt some organization for immediate defence.--Earth works might be cast up at assailable points, and positions taken upon the principal routes of travel to prevent a sudden incursion of one of Abraham's hordes into the very heart of the Border States. Months ago it was stated that he intended to make Old Point and the Virginia fort he is occupying on the Potomac a base of operations against the interior of the State. There are now eight hundred men at Old Point, and, some bright morning, if we do not keep our eyes open, we shall find five thousand Republicans in possession of our own city. The Administration is malignant enough to attempt anything, and our only trust henceforth should be in our own vigilance and energy. We hope, therefore, that, in this matter, without waiting any longer on Virginia authorities, each county will act for itself, call out its militia, organize its means of defence, and do it without one moment's delay. Monstrous as are the purposes which the Administration has already declared, they fall into insignificance compared with the horrid designs in its secret heart, and which were darkly hinted at in the conversation of Secretary Chase with a Kentucky gentleman, which we have already given to our readers.

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