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Wreck of the Golden Star.

--The wreck of the ship Golden Star, bound from Mobile, for Liverpool, off Waterford, Eng., on the 29th, and the loss of 18 lives, has been announced.--An account from the surviving mate, says:

‘ The ship went on the rocks stern foremost. They tried to send a line on shore to the people they saw there, but failed; the current set it along the beach. There was an attempt made to throw a line by a rocket from the people on shore, but it also failed; the people on shore thought they had the line, and made no further attempt to send a second. In about haft an hour after she struck the ship went to pieces. There were 18 people drowned and seven saved, including the mate. When the for ward part of the ship broke away from the stern part, it swung round and burst all to pieces; the next two seas burst the starboard side of the stern part of the ship, which was hanging on the rocks, and the port side heeled over to seaward, and near 200 bales of cotton being washed on shore made a sort of bridge for about 5 seconds, upon which the mate and some other men having jumped, were able to get on shore by clambering over the rocks.

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