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Allegiance in Alabama.

In the Alabama House of Representatives, on Tuesday, the call being made for the swearing in of new members, Mr. Rice offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

Whereas, the words of the Constitution of the United States, and as the same appear in the 1st Section of the 6th Article of the Convention of the State of Alabama, are impliedly repealed by the Ordinance of Secession, lately passed by the Delegates of the people of said Convention assembled: Therefore,

Resolved, That the words so repealed should be omitted and left out of any oath to be administered to any member or officer of this House.

Messrs. Clitherall and Mabry were appointed a committee to wait on the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and invite him to swear in the new members. They were sworn to obey the Constitution of Alabama, &c., &c.

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