Northern Markets
[By Telegraph.] Baltimore, Dec. 3
--Flour dull and heavy — Ohio $5; City Mills held at $4 75 Wheat dull — red $1 10@1.15; white $1.20@1.49 Corn steady — old white 60@61 Provisions dull — Mess Pork $17 75 Coffee steady at 14@14 ¼c. Whiskey dull at 18 ½c.
New York, Dec. 3,
M.--Flour 5 higher.
Wheat a shape lower and dull.
Corn declining.
Provisions dull.
Whiskey nominally 18½c. Stocks lower-- N. Y. Centrals 76¼. Va 6' s 80, Missouri 6's 70¾.
P. M.--Cotton dull, with a declining tendency -- Upland middling 10 Flour 5 cents lower — Southern $4.95@5 35.
Wheat has a declining tendency, Corn ditto — mixed 63@64.
Mess Pork $16 50@16.75, new $18; prime $10.37@10 50, Lard heavy at 10½@10¾ Whiskey drooping at 18½.
Sugar steady-- Muscovado 4½@6¼. Molasses unchanged — Orleans 33@37 Turpentine heavy at 3.06.
Rosin heavy at 1.20 Rice steady at 3½@4.
Stocks dull and lower--Missouri 6's 70½.