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Richmond Markets, December. 3.

There is more case in money matters, but no improvement as to business and general enterprise. There is a disposition prevalent to await the issue of events.

We give below, for the information of the public, lists of bankable and unbankable Virginia notes, and the rates of discount charged by the brokers on the unbankable:

List of Virginia Notes Bankable in Richmond
All the Banks located in Richmond, and the branches of such as have branches.
Bank of Commerce Fredericksburg.
Bank of Howardsville, Howardsville. Albemarle,
Bank of the Old Dominion, Alexandria.
Bank of Rockbridge, Lexington.
Bank of Rockingham, Harrisonburg.
Bank of Scottsville, Scottsville.
Central Bank of Virginia. Staunton.
Danville Bank, Danville Va.
Farmers' Bank of Fincastle, Fincastle.
Merchants' Bank, Lynchburg.
Monticello Bank, Charlottesville.
Southwestern Bank, Wytheville.
Branch of the Bank of the Valley, Staunton.
Branch of the Bank of the Valley., Christiansburg

List of Virginia Bank Notes Unbankable in
Bank of the Valley and branches, save at Staunton and Christiansburg.
Bank of Wheeling, Wheeling.
Manufacturers' and Farmers' Bank of Wheeling and branches.
Northwestern Bank of Virginia, Wheeling, and branches.
Merchants' and Mechanics' Bank of Wheeling and branches.
Bank of Charleston, Malden, Kanawha.
Bank of Barkeley Marrinsburg.
Branch of Bank of the Old Dominion at Pearisburg.
Bank of Philippi, Philippi, Barbour county.
Bank of Winchester. Winchester.
Fairmont Bank, Fairmont.

The notes of the foregoing Banks are bought by the brokers of this city at 1½@2 per ct. discount.

Virginia Bank Notes that are at twenty Five
per cent. Discount.
The notes of the following Banks are at 25 per cent. discount:
Bank of Manassas, Front Royal.
Bank of Weston, Lewis county.
Trans-Allegheny Bank of Jeffersonville, Tazewell.

There are probably few, if any, of the notes of the last named Bank afloat, as it has been discredited for some years.

Exchange on the North is still scarce and rates high. We quote on New York 4½ Philadelphia 4, and Baltimore 3 per cent. premium.

North and South Carolina Bank notes are 5 per cent, discount, save the Planters' and Miners' Bank of Murphy, N. C., which is bought at 20 percent. discount.

There is nothing new in a commercial way to notice, and hardly any change in quotations since our last. The market is very dull.

Tobacco.--There is still no change in Tobacco, and quotations are little more than nominal. We quote inferior Lugs at $2.25@2.50, good and fine $3@3.50; inferior Leaf $5@7, good $8@9; fine manufacturing scarce, price $12.50@20; good and fine English $6.50@10.50, fancy cases $20@90.

Flour.--We still quote as last week; but there is so little doing that the rates may be considered nominal. To the trade, Superfine $6.50@6.75; Extra $7@7.26; Family $7.50@8.00. No sales to shippers.

Wheat.--The market is dull. The quotations are, good to prime red $1.20@1.25; good to prime white $1.30@1.35. These are now the time quotations.

Corn.--Dull. We quote 60@65 cts. per bushel.

Oats.--We quote 37 ½@40 cts. per bushel.

Rye.--75@80 cts. per bushel.

Hay.--S1.15@$1.20 per cwt.

Bacon.--Sides 12 ½ cents: Shoulders 10 ¼c.; plain Hams 12; Sugar-cured 13@13 ½c.; Todd's Sugar-cured Hams 15

Coffee.--We quote Rio 14 ½@15½c.; Laguayra, none in market: Java 16 ½ @17 cts.; Mocha 18 cents. Market firm.

Sugars.--New Orleans Sugar, none in market. Cuba 7 ½@8 ½c.; Porto Rico 8@9 ¼c., Loaf 11@11 ¼c.; Crushed and Powdered 10 ¾c.; Coffee Sugar: A 10: B 9 ¼c.; Extra C 9 ¼c.

Molasses.--New Orleans 50@55 cts.: Cuba Muscovado, in bbls., 32@37 ½ cts., in hhds., 25@30; English Island. 37 ½ cts.; Ochenhousen's. 28.

Whiskey.--Richmond Rectified 21 ½@22 ½ cts.; Stearns' Old Malted Rye $1.50; other qualities 75@$1.50 gallon.

Cattle, Hogs, Sheet, &c.

Beef.--Supply continues large. Extremes now quotable $3@$4 per cwt. gross. A lot of very fine Cattle sold last week as high as $5 per cwt.--The bulk of sales are from $3.50 to $3.75 gross.

Sheep.--Supply not very good. We quote sales, good to prime, at $4.50 to $5.50 per cwt. gross; fair to good, per head, sell at $2.50 to $5

Hogs.--Sales of corn-fed at $8@$8.25 per cwt.; distillery-fed $7.25@$7.75.

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