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Gen. Houston and Mexico.

--A letter from Texas, written by a Virginia officer of the K. G. C.'s to the Norfolk Argus, says that organization is laboring under unexpected difficulties effecting their plans, which, however, they expect to overcome. He adds:

Gen. Houston, with whom Gen. Bickley and myself had a conference this morning, not only assured us, but he promised the people of San Antonio, last week, in a public speech, that he should again take the held and cross the Rio Grande with the largest possible force of Texans and other volunteers against Vera Cruz.-- Affairs on the orders in this State, in Mexico and throughout the South, are certainly assuming a critical position, and you need not be surprised to learn at any time within the next six weeks, or two months, that soldiers will swarming on both banks of the Rio Grande, struggling for the country which furnishes the only outlet to the institutions of the South.

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