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Fast life in New York.

During the past week the police have had in charge several important swindling cases in New York, which involve the loss of several thousands of dollars, but as yet have only succeeded in arresting one of the alleged operators, who, it seems, has succeeded in obtaining about five thousand dollars from a respectable house in Pine street. The alleged party accused of the swindle is a young man named Wm. Hurry, Jr., note broker. It seems that he is charged by the firm of Quick & L'Hommedien, dealers in mercantile notes and foreign exchange, with having, on Friday last, called upon them — having previously done business with them — and inquired if they had an $8,000 note that they wanted to sell, remarking that he could dispose of a note of the said amount, as he had a customer in waiting.

Mr. L'Hommedien replied that he had, and gave Hurry an $8,000 note. Hurry, it is alleged, took it, and, saying he would return in about twenty minutes, left the office. He, however, failed to return; and it is alleged that, after disposing of the note, he procured a draft on the Bank of the Republic for the full amount, proceeded direct to the bank, drew the amount in cash, and left. His not returning created some little suspicion on the part of Messrs.Quick & L'Hommedien, and on the following day, not being able to ascertain Hurry's whereabouts, they proceeded before Justice Welsh, where a complaint was made against him.

Hurry, the same afternoon, from his own story, finding himself the holder of this large sum of money, concluded to visit some of our leading gambling saloons and try his luck at the game of faro. His first step was to dive into the establishment corner of Broadway and Fulton street, where a day game is always kept going, and after betting several times he lost about $3,000. He then took a look into a sporting house in Ann street, where, after passing an hour, he lost $200. In company with a friend, he then proceeded to a first class restaurant, and, after enjoying a costly supper, started out again for the gambling table. It being early in the evening, a short visit was made to the sweat — board kept at the corner of Broadway and Prince street, where he was so fortunate as to win $1,000. Thinking that he had done pretty well, be concluded to try another house, and accordingly made a stop at an establishment corner of Prince and Mercer streets, where, at the game of faro, he lost $1,400.

Hurry, on Saturday evening, again sallied forth on a visit to his old haunts, visiting a gambling house, corner of Twelfth street and Broadway, where they soon relieved him of five hundred dollars, and at another, corner of Broadway and Eighth street, he lost the like amount. Sunday night he again made a tour around town, visiting a place on Broadway, where he was fortunate in winning about one thousand five hundred dollars. He also visited another of the gambling halls, where he remained until near 4 o'clock Monday morning, gaining about five hundred dollars.

On Monday Mr. L'Hommedien called upon Mr. Chris. V. Hogan. of the detective force, and made him acquainted with the facts, and requested him to work up the case, and if possible to arrest Hurry. Mr. Hogan accordingly set to work, and, ascertaining that Mr. Hurry had been a visitor at the above places, concluded that he had an accomplice with him.--He succeeded in finding a beautiful team that the young gentleman had obtained, with a view of sporting about in, and finally traced him to the above hotel, where he arrested him yesterday afternoon. Hurry, when confronted by the detective seemed greatly surprised, believing that he had evaded all pursuit of the officers. He was taken to the police head-quarters. About four thousand dollars of the money has been recovered by the officer.--Hurry is about twenty-eight years age, and is very respectably connected.-- New York Paper

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