The Society's work, 1919-20.
The opening meeting, October 20, was a ‘Get-Together Social,’ enjoyed by all present. November 17, John Albree, Esq., of Swampscott (a member) gave an illustrated talk, ‘An Old Quaker's Diary.’ A graphic recital of ‘War Experiences,’ by Rev. Henry Francis Smith of West Medford on December 15. The largest attendance was on March 15. Mr. Malcom Davis, Superintendent, gave an address on the ‘Boy Scouts’ and seventeen Scouts gave examples of their work and training, after which refreshments were served. May 17, Librarian George S. Evans of Somerville told of the settling of Woburn in ‘The Seven against the Wilderness,’ presenting a copy to our library. October 20, [p. 84] February 16 and April 19 the meetings were conducted by our members in informal manner and ‘Questionnaire,’ ‘What do you know about salt hay’ proving of interest. The annual meeting, January 19, came in the wake of a blizzard and deep snow. Favorable reports of officers were received—our home free of debt and practically a clean slate on current expenses. The election made no change in personell of Executive Board. Vice-President Ackerman was chosen President, succeeding Mr. Mann, who was chosen Librarian to succeed Mr. Remele, who succeeds Mr. Ackerman as Vice-President. A substantial ‘token of esteem’ was presented to the retiring President, who received it in surprise with ‘thanks’ closing five years of service with no absent marks.
On Patriots' Day over a hundred visitors came to our rooms.
The Society has been represented at the Bay State League meetings.