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[p. 4]

Samuel Gray4 shares, Nos. 87, 88, 89, 90.
Dudley Hall1 shares, Nos. 75.
Richard Hall1 shares, Nos. 76.
John C. Jones5 shares, Nos. 44, 45, 46, 47, 48.
Richard D. Tucker3 shares, Nos. 71, 72, 73.
Ebenezer Hall Jr2 shares, Nos. 62, 63.
Elijah & Samuel Davenport10 shares, Nos. 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96,97, 98, 99,100.
Rufus Davenport10 shares, Nos. 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,55, 56, 57, 58.

At the meeting held May 5, 1803, Nathaniel Hall was appointed an agent to petition the Court of General Sessions to appoint a committee to lay out and appraise the lands taken for the Medford turnpike road. At a meeting held June 18, 1803, it was voted that the officers of the corporation shall consist of a president, a standing committee of five to lay out and superintend the making of the turnpike road, and a treasurer. June 29, 1803, Benjamin Hall was chosen president, Nathaniel Hall, Andrew Hall, Luther Stearns, Joseph P. Hall and Samuel Buel were chosen standing committee, and Samuel Buel was chosen treasurer. (Luther Stearns had been chosen clerk at a prior meeting.) At a meeting of the standing committee on August 22, 1803, it was voted to adopt, as a seal of the corporation, the letters M. T. inclosed in a heart as a field. September 12, 1803, the committee appointed by the Court of General Sessions of the Peace to lay out the Medford turnpike road, or such part thereof, as with the consent of the proprietors of said turnpike they might think proper, made return of the warrant to them directed, as follows:—

Beginning at a stake and stones on the easterly side of the road, and by land of the heirs of Col. Isaac Royall, deceased, nearly opposite to Dr. Luther Stearns' house in Medford, and running southeasterly over land of said heirs, one hundred and thirty-seven rods and three-quarters of a rod, and here the road is laid out four rods wide; and thence the same course two hundred and forty-one rods and sixteen links to land of the heirs of Thomas

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