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[p. 55] it should be read at the head of every regiment that day at 6 o'clock. The Massachusetts regiment of Major Brooks was camped on Chatham square. He told Benj. L. Swan in New York (about 1815) that he was appointed to read the Declaration to his regiment. A table was obtained which he stood upon and read the document to the regiment drawn up in hollow square. This shows he had a good voice and was a good reader.

The brigade to which General Washington attached himself was drawn up on the south part of what is now the Park, and the Declaration was read by Col. Hamilton.

His fame survives as a rich legacy to his country. His monument is in the burial ground of the town. His memory will be cherished and embalmed in the affections of the people of his state, who chose him for their Governor, and in the regard, love and esteem of his townsmen.

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