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[p. 40] to a high state of discipline and efficiency under the charge of Brother S. C. Johnson.

The benevolent collections also were increased, and a marked interest showed itself in the spiritual as well as social work. During the next year began the development of a special line of thought, later carried to an extreme, causing unhappy differences, but as yet not inharmonious.

A third appointment continued the pastor in charge (to what was then the ‘time limit’), who began an effort to clear off the mortgage upon the church property. His hopes were not entirely realized, but by various means a reduction of about seven hundred dollars was made.

Forty-nine names were added to the membership list during Brother Smiley's service. Among the number came one who, with his good wife, have been in labors abundant, and who, still with us, hold the record for longest continuous membership. A veteran of the war, and of the ‘church militant’ is Brother Nelson Taylor. Brother Smiley and wife have achieved prominence and distinction in other fields since their earnest work in West Medford.

Rev. Charles W. Wilder was assigned to Trinity in 1883, and also served three years. It is safe to say that a more discreet and self-sacrificing pastor has never ministered here. During his term the church steadily gained in membership and spirituality. Largely by his efforts one thousand two hundred dollars were raised and paid upon the mortgage. He also secured the funds to paint the chapel, which had been built thirteen years before. Twenty-nine persons united with the church during his labors. Mrs. Wilder is remembered as a worthy helpmeet, and their memory is as ‘ointment poured out.’ They went, at the expiration of their time limit, to our large and influential church at Leominster.

One April day, just after Conference in 1886, I saw on the street, with the president of the Ladies' Aid Society (to whom nature was generous), a boyish but scholarly

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