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[p. 51]

Dedication hymn.1

With trump, and pipe, and viol chords,
     And song, the full assembly brings
Its tribute to the Lord of Lords,
     Its homage to the King of kings.

To God, who from the rocky prison
     Where death had bound him, brought his Son,
To God these walls from earth have risen;—
     To God, ‘the high and lofty one.’

Creator! at whose stedfast word
     Alike the seas and seasons roll,
Here may thy truth in Christ our Lord,
     Shine forth and sanctify the soul.

Here, where we hymn thy praises now,
     Father and Judge! may many a knee
And many a spirit humbly bow,
     In worship and in prayer to Thee.

And when our lips no more shall move,
     Our hearts no longer beat or burn,
Then may the children that we love
     Take up the strain and in their turn,

With trump, and pipe and viol strings,
     Here pay, with music's sweet accords,
Their tribute to the King of kings,
     Their homage to the Lord of Lords.

1 this hymn was sung at the dedication of the South Congregational Church, Boston, January 30, 1828, and was written by Rev. John Pierpont, who also offered the dedicatory prayer. He was later the minister of the First Parish in Medford.

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