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Mr. Charles H. Loomis, who has been on the Publication Committee since the starting of the Register, and a greater part of the time its chairman, has resigned. Mr. Will C. Eddy has been elected to fill the vacancy and to the chairmanship. In the death of Hon. Eleazar Boynton, a life member, Mrs. Matilda T. Haskins, one of our active members, and Mrs. George L. Stearns, our honorary member, the society has sustained a great loss, as all were most interested in its success.
The Committee on Publication needs the assistance of every member of the society to make the coming year of the Register a success financially, as well as otherwise. Will you get a new subscriber?
By the will of the late Mrs. George L. Stearns her valuable home in this city will, after the death of two beneficiaries, go to Tufts College with fifty thousand dollars in money.
The society needs an endowment. Who of our wealthy citizens will be the first to remember it?