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[p. 7]

4. For faithful and godly Ministers, who are from time to time showing me the Way of Salvation.

5. For a Polite as well as Christian Education.

6. For restraining Grace, that I have been with-held from more open and gross Violations of God's holy Laws.

Also among her prose writings are ‘Her Thoughts on Matrimony, with the Rules whereby she resolved to guide herself in that important Affair of Life.’ The rules from which she resolves ‘never to start’ are here given:—

1. I would admit the Addresses of no Person who is not descended of pious and creditable Parents.

2. Who has not the Character of a strict Moralist, sober, temperate, just and honest.

3. Diligent in his Business, and prudent in Matters.

4. Fixt in his Religion, a constant Attender on the publick Worship, and who appears in God's House with the Gravity becoming a Christian.

5. Of a sweet and agreeable Temper; for if he be Owner of all the former good Qualifications, and fails here my Life would still be uncomfortable.

It is rather a comfort to find in Number 5, even this bit of worldly wisdom, and it is to be hoped that the Rev. Ebenezer fulfilled all these exactions.

‘Before she had seen eighteen,’ says the Memoir, ‘she had read and (in some measure) digested all the English Poetry, and Polite Pieces in Prose, printed and Manuscripts in her Father's well furnished Library, and much she borrowed of her Friends and Acquaintance. She had indeed such a thirst after Knowledge that the Leisure of the Day did not suffice, but she spent whole Nights in reading. When I was first inclin'd (by the Motions of God's Providence and Spirit) to seek her Acquaintance (which was about the Time she entered her nineteenth year) I was surpriz'd and charm'd to find her so accomplish'd. I found her in a good measure Mistress of the politest Writers and their Works; could point out the Beauties in them, and had made many of their best Thoughts her own. And as she went into ’

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