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He delayed calling an assembly, in the hope of hear-

Chap. XLVI.} 1775. July to Oct.
ing ‘favorable news from the Northward’ to ‘moderate the frenzy with which all ranks seemed possessed;’ but while intercepted letters revealed the tampering of British agents with Indians, on the eighth of July news arrived from Boston of the battle of Bunker Hill. On the tenth, Campbell met his first legislature; and in his opening speech, refusing to discuss the questions that had arisen, he denied by implication the existence of grievances. ‘I warn you,’ said he, ‘of the danger you are in; the violent measures adopted cannot fail of drawing down inevitable ruin on this flourishing colony.’ These criminations and menaces left little hope of escaping war; the assembly lingered inactive through the summer, and asked in vain to be adjourned.

The patriot party was composed chiefly of residents in the low country; and hardly formed a majority of the inhabitants of the colony. The best educated were so unanimous, that when Campbell needed one more member of the council, to make up the quorum which required but three, he was under a necessity to appoint an Englishman who was collector of the port; for, said he, ‘there is not another person in the province whom I can recommend, who would accept of that honor, in so low an estimation is it at present held.’ But in the districts of Camden and Ninety-six he was assured that thousands were animated by affection to the king. In the region from the line of the Catawba and Wateree to the Congaree and Saluda, and all the way to Georgia, embracing the part of South Carolina where there were the fewest slaves, the rude settlers had no close sympathy with the

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