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Chapter 55:

The royal governor of Virginia Invites the Serv-Ants and slaves to rise against their masters.

November—December, 1775.

The central colonies still sighed for reconciliation;
Chap. LV.} 1775. Dec.
the tories and the timid were waiting for commissioners; the credit of the continental paper money languished and declined; the general congress in December, while they answered the royal proclamation of August by threats of retaliation, and a scornful rejection of allegiance to parliament, professed allegiance to the king, and distinguished between their ‘resistance to tyranny’ and ‘rebellion;’ but all the while a steady current drifted the country towards independence. In New Jersey, the regular colonial assembly, which was still kept in existence, granted the usual annual support of the royal government. On the fifth of December they resolved themselves into a committee of the whole, to consider the draft of a separate address to the king; but as that mode of action tended to divide and insulate he

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