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[224] of Indians among the savages of Ohio and the west-
Chap. LV.} 1775. Nov.
ern border; he authorized John Connolly to raise a regiment in the backwoods of Virginia and Pennsylvania; and he directed these different bodies to march to Alexandria. At the same time he was himself to ‘raise two regiments, one of white people, to be called the Queen's Own Loyal Virginia regiment; the other of negroes, to be called Lord Dunmore's Ethiopian regiment.’ Connolly was arrested in Maryland in November; and thus the movements at the west were prevented.

At Dunmore's proclamation a thrill of indignation ran through Virginia, effacing all differences of party; and rousing one strong impassioned purpose to drive away the insolent power by which it had been put forth. Instead of a regiment on the king's side from the backwoods, William Campbell and Gibson were on the march from Fincastle and West Augusta, with patriotic rifle companies, composed of ‘as fine men as ever were seen.’ In the valley of the Blue Ridge the different congregations of Germans, quickened by the preaching of Muhlenburg, were animated with one heart, and stood ready at the first summons to take up arms for the defence of the men of the low country, regardless of their different lineage and tongue.

The general congress promptly invited Virginia, as it had invited New Hampshire and South Carolina, to institute a government of her own; and this was of the greater moment, because she was first in wealth, and numbers, and extent of territory.

‘If that man is not crushed before spring,’ wrote Washington of Dunmore, ‘he will become the most formidable enemy of America. Motives of resentment ’

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