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Somerville Historical Society.


Article I: name.

The name of this Society shall be the Somerville Historical Society.

Article II: object.

The object of this Society shall be the collection and preservation of everything relating to the history and antiquities of Somerville, and incidentally of other places, and the diffusion of knowledge concerning them.

Article III: members.

1. Any person who, after being recommended for membership by the council, shall be elected by a majority of votes at any meeting, and shall pay the membership fee, shall be a member of this Society.

2. Members may become life members upon the payment of fifteen dollars, which shall exempt them from further dues.

3. Honorary and corresponding members may be elected, upon recommendation by the council, by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any meeting. They may enjoy all the privileges of membership, except voting.


Article IV: dues.

1. The membership fee shall be one dollar payable on enrollment, which shall include all dues until the next annual meeting.

2. The annual dues shall be one dollar, payable in advance.

3. Non-payment of dues for two years shall forfeit membership.

4. Honorary and corresponding members shall be exempt from all dues.

Article V: Officers.

1. The officers shall be a president, three vice-presidents, a recording secretary (who shall be clerk of the corporation), a corresponding secretary, a treasurer, a librarian and curator, and three others to complete the council. All of these, except the president, shall be elected by written ballot of the Society.

2. The president shall be elected by written ballot of the council.

3. These shall constitute a council of eleven members, who shall have all the powers of directors. This council shall be invested with all the powers of the corporation, except as may be inconsistent with these by-laws or repugnant to the statutes of the Commonwelath. It may fill all vacancies.

4. The council shall appoint the standing committees of this Society, and shall define their duties.

5. Three members of the council shall be a quorum thereof.

Article VI: duties of Officers.

1. The officers of this Society shall perform the usual duties pertaining to their respective offices, and such other duties as may be otherwise stipulated in these by-laws.

2. The treasurer shall give a bond for the faithful performance of his duties, in such amount as shall be determined by the council, with sureties to be approved by the council.

3. The treasurer shall pay only upon the written approval [87] of the president and one vice-president. His books and accounts shall always be open to the inspection of the president, and to any committee appointed for the purpose by the council.

4. The treasurer, secretaries, and librarian and curator shall report in writing upon the work of their respective offices at each annual meeting.

Article VII: life membership fund.

1. Fees received for life membership shall constitute said fund. Income accruing from said fund may be used for the general purposes of the Society.

Article VIII: meetings.

1. The regular meetings of this Society shall be held on the first Monday evening in April and October, the meeting in April being the annual meeting.

2. Special meetings may be called by the corresponding secretary at the request of the president or at the written request of three members.

3. Ten members shall be a quorum.

Article IX: Amendments.

These by-laws may be altered or amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any meeting, notice whereof has been given in the call of such meeting.

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