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Moulton, William, 60.

Mount Auburn, 37, 69.

Mousal, John, 30.

Mousal, Ralph, 30.

Muddy Branch, Md., 18.

Munroe, Benjamin Sweetser, 13.

Munroe, Edwin, 13.

Munroe, Edwin, Jr., 11, 13.

Munroe, Emery H., 41.

Munroe, George S., 13.

Munroe, Nancy Thorning, 11, 75.

Munroe Street, 12, 15.

Music Hall. 38.

Myers George, 60.

Mystic Avenue, 11.

Mystic Bridge, 27.

‘Mystic. No. 6,’ 10.

Mystic Pond, 26.

Mystic River, 25, 74, 84.

‘Neck,’ The, 27. 28.

Nelson, William, 2.

Newcastle, 61.

Newell, John, 27.

New England Conference, 39.

New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 51.

New Hampton Institute, 2.

Newton, General, John, 20.

Newton Street, 33, 34.

Newtown, 26.

Newtown Highway (Road to Cambridge), 28.

New York. 37.

Ninetieth Pennsylvania. 22, 46, 64.

Ninety-fourth New York, 21.

Ninth Corps, 47, 72.

Ninth Massachusetts Battery. 69.

Ninth New York Regiment, 62.

Norfolk Railroad, 66.

Norris, E. A., 41.

Norris, Thomas F., 5.

North Anna River, 60. 61.

Northey, George A., 56.

North Sandwich, Mass., 2.

Norton, Charles Elliot, 15.

Norton's Ford, 22.

Norton's Grove, 15, 37.

Noyes. Rev. Charles L., 4.

Ny, The. 59.

Oak Street, 14, 34.

‘Oasis,’ 6.

Odiorne. William, 58.

Offert's Cross Roads, Md., 18.

Ogdensburg, N. Y., 10.

‘Old Mill and Other Poems,’ 3.

Olive Branch, 5, 41.

Oliver, F. J., 22.

Oliver. Judson W., 18, 22.

One Hundred and Fourth New York. 62, 71.

One Hundred and Seventh Pennsylvania, 21.

Orange and Alexandria Railroad. 44.

Orcutt, Edward L., 16.

Orcutt, Levi, 8, 16.

‘Original English Inhabitants and Early Settlers in Somerville,’ 25-31, 49-55.

Page, Major, Caleb, 5.

Palfrey, Hon. John G., 15.

Palfrey's Grove, 15, 37.

Palgrave, Richard, 28.

Paine, Edward, 30.

Palmer, Abraham, 29.

Palmer, William D., 56.

Park Street, 33.

Parochial School, 33, 37, 40.

Parry Brick Co., 10.

Patten, Margaret, 50.

Pemunky River, 61.

Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C., 19.

Perry, William A., 74.

Petersburg, 65, 66, 69, 72.

Pettengill.———, 14.

Philadelphia, Penn., 18.

Phillips. 10.

Phipps, John, 50.

Phipps, Solomon. 50.

Pierce, Major, 62.

Pierce, Mary, 29, 51.

Pierce. Thomas, 29.

Pierson, Charles L., 69.

Pilgrims. The, 84.

Pillsbury, Caleb, 1, 2.

Pillsbury. Dr. Ernest D., 3.

Pillsbury, Edwin Brooks, 3.

Pillsbury. Harry Nelson, 3.

Pillsbury, Luther B., 1, 2, 78.

Pillsbury, Miss May F., 3.

Pillsbury, Nancy (Nelson), 1, 2.

Pine Street, 34.

Piper's Tavern,’ 6.

Pleasants. Lieutenant-Colonel, 72.

Ploughed Hill. 26.

Plymouth Colony, 79.

Plymouth. Mass., 84.

Po. The. 59.

Polly's Swamp, 52.

Pony Plain. 22.

Poolsville, Md., 18, 19.

Pope Schoolhouse, 12.

Portland, Me., 38.

Potomac River, 18, 20

Powder House, 51, 81.

Powers. Robert. 58.

Prescott Grammar School, 2.

Prince of Wales. 37.

Prospect Hill, 11. 17, 18, 26, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 53, 75, 81.

Prospect Hill Grammar School. 9.

Prospect Street, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14. 32, 34, 35, 39.

‘Prospect Street Station,’ 16.

Provincial Congress. 1.

Public Library. 75. 77. 81.

Pulsifer. David. 79, 80.

Pump Works. 42.

Putnam. Dr. Charles I., 5.

Raccoon, Ford, 22.

Randall. Deacon Benjamin, 9.

Rand. Robert, 52.

Rind, Sarah, 52.

Rand, Thomas, 52.

Rand, William, 52.

Rapidan River, 22, 44, 45.

Rappahannock River. 21.

Rappahannock Station, 21, 43,

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