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List of Officers Past and present


Mr. George A. Bruce, 1897-1898

Mr. Charles D. Eliot, 1898-1900

Mr. John F. Ayer, 1901-1904

Mr. Frank M. Hawes, 1905——


Mr. Charles D. Elliot, 1897

Mr. John F. Ayer, 1898, 1905-1907

Mr. Elbridge S. Brooks, 1898-1901

Mr. Frederic W. Parker. 1898

Mr. John S. Emerson, 1899

Mr. Luther B. Pillsbury, 1901-1905

Mr. James F. Whitney, 1901, 1904-1906

Mr. Levi L. Hawes, 1902-1907

Mr. Seth Mason, 1902

Mr. Oliver Bacon, 1903

Mr. F. DeWitt Lapham, 1907

Recording secretaries

Mr. George F. Loring, 1897-1898

Mr. Alfred Morton Cutler, 1899

Mrs. Florence E. Holmes, 1905-1907

Miss Florence E. Carr, 1900-1902

Mrs. Elizabeth F. Hammond, 1903-1904

Corresponding secretaries

Mr. George E. Littlefield, 1897

Mrs. V. E. Ayer, 1898-1904

Miss Florence E. Carr, 1905

Mrs. Ella Ruth Hurd, 1906-1907


Mr. Frederic W. Stone, 1897-1899

Mr. Oliver Bacon, 1900-1902

Mr. Seth Mason, 1903-1906

Mr. William B. Holmes, 1907

Librarians and Curators

Mr. Howard Dawson, 1897-1899

Mr. Alfred Morton Cutler, 1900——

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