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[86] To prevent this General Terry was ordered to take position with his brigade on Hunton's right. He soon reported that the enemy were gathering in great numbers in the woods to turn his flank, and that he could not hold his position. General Hunton, being called to support Terry, said he would send his old regiment around there, and that they would hold the position. This movement placed our regiment on the extreme right of our line, and under the immediate command of General Terry. Our position was in the edge of the woods, where the enemy were gathering, and with the open field just behind us. We had been there only a short time when General Pickett ordered a retreat. It was now about the middle of the afternoon, perhaps later. During all these hours in which we had been holding the cavalry at bay, the Federal infantry and artillery had been coming up, and were now posted on the hill to our left and rear, where we were resting that morning when the battle began.

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V. P. Terry (3)
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