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[329] brigade on the right bank of the Chickahominy, where it was wildly and joyfully received. It was highly complimented by Generals Lee and Branch for its splendid behavior in this masterly retreat. The former was heard to remark that it was a wonder to him the whole command had not been killed or captured.

Company G, which was cut off from the regiment at Kinney's, can never forget how their brave, but frail and delicate young captain, George B. Johnston, afterward the accomplished adjutantgen-eral of the brigade, swam the river to escape the enemy, and then swam back rather than appear to have deserted his men; how he marched as a prisoner of war from Kinney's farm to West Point in his wet clothes; how he was confined on Johnson's Island; how he read the Episcopal service regularly to his fellow-prisoners there; how he endeared himself to all in his captivity; how he was joyfully welcomed back to camp; and how, a physical wreck, he was soon forced to return home to die. A nobler, braver, purer Christian hero never lived.

From this battle at Kinney's farm, or Hanover Courthouse, as it is generally called, to the surrender at Appomattox Courthouse, the history of the brigade is the history of the regiment. It bore on its battle-flag the name of every battle in which the brigade participated.

Before the fights around Richmond, Branch's Brigade was assigned to General A. P. Hill, and became a part of the famous ‘Light Division.’ The 28th Regiment was with its brigade when it was the first, in those seven days fights, to cross the Chicahominy at ‘Half Link,’ and clear the way for the crossing of the rest of the ‘Light Division’ at ‘Meadow Bridge.’ When it reached Mechanicsville, on the 26th of June, it was ordered to support a battery on the left of the road. Next morning it was subjected to a short but severe artillery fire. On reaching Cold Harbor, on the 27th, it and the 7th North Carolina were ordered to the left of the road, where it behaved very handsomely, its own colonel being wounded on the head, and Colonel Campbell, of the 7th, killed with the colors of his regiment in his hands. At Frazier's Farm, on the 30th, it was on the right of the 37th North Carolina Regiment. After driving the enemy's infantry, it and the 37th gallantly charged the artillery in their front, when its colonel was shot in the face, and Colonel Lee, of the 37th, was killed. It was not actively engaged at Malvern Hill on the 1st of July. It was, however, ordered forward in the afternoon to support the forces engaged, and was under a very heavy artillery fire until some time after dark. It carried 480 into

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